Thanks for all the answers. To set the story straight, the reasoning behind the question was not to determine if I could transmit "hi-fi" AM, it's simply a matter of cost. At $125 a clip for an AM filter and the fact that I may only transmit AM once or twice in a lifetime, I couldn't see the extra cost to add the AM filter if TX through the FM filter worked.

Since others have already identified that a filter can be "fooled" into thinking it's a different bandwidth, I do have a plan that I'll try somewhere down the road. Looking at the schematics it appears to be an easy solution that I can use an empty filter spot and diode switch (add two diodes) that position into an FM filter consumed location. That empty spot would be designated as the AM filter spot.

Yeah, I know, it's only $125, but I'm a cheapskate.

Dan -- N3ND
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