I have no experience teaching Morse Code, but I did learn it very
quickly from some old US Army Signal Corps records. I have uploaded
these recordings to Internet Archive: 


They are quite primitive, but maybe someone will find them useful as I


On Fri, 08 May 2009 10:38:47 -0700 (PDT), Kristinn, TF3KX wrote:

>Hi - I know this is very remotely related to Elecraft, but good advice is
>never in short supply in this group...
>Here in Iceland the requirement for knowledge of CW is no longer required
>for amateur HF licenses - a trend that we see in most countries nowadays.
>Still, I am interested in establishing CW courses for those new amateurs who
>may want to learn CW, and I am seeking advice from those of you who have
>experience.  For example...
>- General suggestions for methods (Koch, etc.)
>- Software and other tools for class teaching and individual practice
>between classes
>- Teaching methodologies and approaches (frequency of classes, length,
>character groups,...)
>- Other activities to support and encourage (kit building, on-air
>73 - Kristinn, TF3KX

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