Er, hold on. you write:

> Subtract 5 MHz VFO:
> Carrier   9.000 - 5.000 = 4.000 MHz
> Sideband  9.001 - 5.000 = 4.001 MHz
> ==> USB

but shouldn't it be:

Subtract 5 MHz VFO:
Carrier   9.000 - 5.000 = 4.000 MHz
Sideband  9.000 - 5.001 = 3.999 MHz
==> LSB

Since we changing the VFO, not the IF freq?

Bob NW8L

On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 10:39 PM, Alan Bloom <> wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-12-02 at 21:06 -0800, Alan Bloom wrote:
>> On Wed, 2009-12-02 at 18:36 -0800, wrote:
>> > LSB on the lower bands and USB on the higher bands is an artifact of
>> > the mixing scheme, from the early days of SSB, of a 9 Mc IF mixed with
>> > a 5.0 - 5.5 Mc VFO. (Yes, it was Mc in those days, not MHz.) Add and
>> > you get 20m. Subtract and you get 80m. The subtraction results in
>> > sideband reversal and so LSB became the "standard" for 80m. There is
>> > really no reason now to not to just operate USB on all bands other
>> > than tradition.
>> I've heard people say that many times over the years but clearly it's
>> not true.  A 9 MHz IF set up for (let's say) USB will still be USB no
>> matter whether you add or subtract the 5-5.5 MHz VFO.
> I just did a little Googling on the Internet ( and elsewhere)
> and discovered to my astonishment that this is an actual bona-fide
> controversial subject among radio amateurs.  Despite the fact that a
> simple 2-minute back-of-the-envelope calculation is all it takes to
> disprove the myth.  For the record:
> Intermediate frequency:
> Carrier   9.000 MHz
> Sideband  9.001 MHz
> ==> USB
> Add 5 MHz VFO:
> Carrier   9.000 + 5.000 = 14.000 MHz
> Sideband  9.001 + 5.000 = 14.001 MHz
> ==> USB
> Subtract 5 MHz VFO:
> Carrier   9.000 - 5.000 = 4.000 MHz
> Sideband  9.001 - 5.000 = 4.001 MHz
> ==> USB
> I can't believe people are actually arguing about this!
> Al N1AL
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