
It is quite normal for the S-meter reading to increase when the RF gain 
is reduced.  The AGC voltage (which drives the S-meter) is increased to 
reduce the gain of the receiver when the RF Gain is reduced - so the 
S-meter indication goes up.

The way I tend to think of it is - there is already an S-3 level of 
atmospheric (and locally generated) noise on a particular band, so I 
reduce the RF Gain until the S-meter reads S-3 and the band noise does 
not bother me.  Signals stronger than the band noise will still make the 
S-meter increase, so I can still see a relative signal strength reading 
between stations.

If you want to reduce the signal level into the K3 without changing the 
S-meter, set the menu to S-MTR ABS (S-meter absolute) and turn off the 
preamp and possibly turn on the Attenuator.  In ABS mode, the S-meter 
will not change with preamp or attenuator on/off, but it will still rise 
with reduction of the RF Gain.  For maximum performance on any 
particular band, if you can hear the band noise (with no signal 
present), turn the preamp off (it is not needed and is detrimental to 
the receiver dynamic range) - if the band noise is still present, turn 
on the attenuator.  If you can still hear the band noise, reduce the RF 
gain to the point where the band noise is just barely audible - that is 
the maximum sensitivity setting that can be used for that band.  Note 
than this optimum setting will change from time to time, and from band 
to band.  The K3 has more than ample gain so it can hear very weak 
signals - if the band noise is high, you are unlikely to hear signals 
below that band noise level, so it is wise to reduce the receiver gain 
to keep the receiver from sounding "noisy".

This is different than squelch.  Squelch totally silences (mutes) the 
receiver until a signal greater than the level set by the squelch 
control is exceeded.

Does that help?


Phil Hystad wrote:
> I have never really understood the connection between RF gain and squelch 
> controls.  I first saw this when I got my first modern rig, the Icom 756 Pro 
> III.  And, I see this kind of combo with the K3 too.  I never had experience 
> with this back in my early ham operator days (~1960s).
> So, can someone explain the behavior.  Let's assume that I have squelch 
> operative for FM only.
> On CW or SSB I see that RF gain maximized is the control knob turned all the 
> way clockwise.  But, as I back off the RF gain (counterclockwise) there comes 
> a point where the S-meter starts to increase even though there is no apparent 
> signal.  Turning the RF gain fully counter clockwise pins the S-meter.
> So, what is going on here.  What is this connection between turning "down" RF 
> gain and the S-meter increasing.  Now, I have the same behavior (roughly) on 
> my Icom Pro III and I never understood that either.
> Thanks for any explanation you can contribute.
> 73, phil, K7PEH
> K3 owner for one full week now.
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