Mine has 6.0,  2.8,  1.8,  1.0,  and 500hz
I keep dxing every night on 40M with the 1.8 roofer engaged and the DSP set at 
same BW with the width at 1.0 and what impress me the most is how I can be at 
just 2Khz away from a signal of 20db over S9 and still be able to pull a 55 to 
57 signal from Europe without been bothered by the close station,I have never 
been able to do this with any of the good radios I owned before.
I am using also the AGC settings of N1EU with satisfactory results.
Like I said,its a total enjoyment to operate this K3

"For a refined ham it is compulsory to own a k3"

--- On Tue, 2/9/10, Philippe Trottet <> wrote:

From: Philippe Trottet <>
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] AGC & DSP Rain Dance
To: "K6LE" <>,
Cc: "Elecraft Reflector" <>
Date: Tuesday, February 9, 2010, 5:21 AM

Fully agree !
Race cars need fine (and often) tuning to get their best for each races, K3's 
are the same.
But my main main thing is to enjoy and have a lot of fun to chase the weak 
signal, specially in big pilups in SSB with my exotic callsign. Using for ssb 
FC: 0.95 and Width: 1.6k (6k, 2.8 & 1.8k filter installed) AGC mainly OFF  in 
that case and do not attempt I will respond first to the biggest signal.  
Use the N1EU AGC settings  with good results.
Personal rule: ssb=qro if needed but cw, exclusively qrp max 5w or qrpp.
MIC= MH2 and SONY MDR 7505 Headset, Keys: Vibroplex + straight key Siemens 
Baumuster T1, both connected.

Bst 73's
Philippe A65BI  (F5LTB)
Elecraft, by Hams, for Hams...What else !

>>> K6LE <> 09-02-2010 6:46 >>>
Well said!

I'm just glad I bought my K3 before I got too involved in some of the 
discussion on here.   If I hadn't I might not have done it and then I would be 
missing out on this wonderful radio.

To paraphrase what some others have said: "This one is a keeper and I am taking 
it with me to my final resting place!"


On 2/8/2010, at 6:29 , Don Wilhelm wrote:

> Richard,
> All controls are not for everyone.  There are those who "just want to 
> operate", and the default setting should be their choice.
> For those who want performance enhancement, then several of us are 
> trying to give instructions about how to effectively do that - because 
> the K3 does provide those performance enhancement tools.  We are not 
> making up for deficiencies in the K3 design, but are talking about how 
> to best use the tools available for extreme operating circumstances.  
> These suggestions may not be for everyone.
> Those performance enhancement tools will be used differently depending 
> on the circumstances of band conditions, antenna selection, and operator 
> preferences.  Not everyone will want or need to use those tools.
> Comparing it to driving a high performance vehicle.  If you just want to 
> cruise the streets, the normal settings will suffice, but if you want 
> maximum performance on the race track, you will want to use all the 
> tools at your disposal, and customize them for the track being used and 
> the driver's preferences (these may be different for every race).  Those 
> who want to just use the standard setting for this "race" will likely 
> not come in as front-runners, but they certainly can participate.
> Just how much you want to "dance the AGC up and down" is a decision each 
> owner must decide for him/herself, no one answer fits all.  Use the 
> default settings if you do not want to make any decisions or do not want 
> to do any experimenting (trial runs).  In the meantime, the information 
> gleaned from the various comments here will allow those interested in 
> fine tuning their K3 to do so in an intelligent and orderly manner.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR

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