Dear Forest,

your analysis was right from the beginning while mine in the last message was wrong unfortunately: I claimed that already your D(2)MAC/RB would elect a 52%-compromise, but I got the numbers wrong!

So, we really need n>2, as you said, and I think that perhaps n=4 could be a good choice.

However, another similar but slightly different method really needs only n=2, but that method is again non-monotonic like AMP, and therefore sometimes gives incentive to order-reverse.

Anyway, here's that variant: Each voter marks one favourite and at most one compromise. Two ballots are drawn. If they have the same option marked as compromise (not favourite!), that option is the winner. Otherwise the favourite of a third drawn ballot is the winner.

Under that method, full cooperation is indeed an equilibrium in our example situation
  P: A>C>B
  Q: B>C>A
as long as everyone prefers C to the Random Ballot lottery. This is because when everyone else marks C as compromise, my not marking her as compromise changes the outcome exactly in those situations in which mine is one of the first two ballots, in which case it takes the win from C and gives it to the Random Ballot lottery. QED.

One point still troubles me with n>2: In situations where not the whole electorate but a subgroup seeks to cooperate, such a method performs badly. For example, when n=4, the preferences are
  33: A1>A>A2 >> B
  33: A2>A>A1 >> B
  33: B >> A1,A2,A
and the 66 A-voters try to cooperate to elect A by unanimously approving of her, then they still get A only with a low probability of 16/81 (approx. 20%) while A1 and A2 keep a probability of 64/243 (approx. 25%) each. AMP performs better here in giving A the complete 66% probability, but AMP is considerably more complex and non-monotonic...

Yours, Jobst

Dear Jobst,

Thanks for your encouragement.  And D(n)MAC/RB it shall be!

I also wanted to speak my admiration of your outline of a computationally effective way of carrying out your trading method: quite a tour d'force with many beautiful mathematical ideas elegantly applied.

Here's a further partial result, that might interest you.

Suppose that we have 2Q>P>Q>0, P+Q=100, and factions

P: A>C>B
Q: B>C>A
 with C rated at R% by all voters.

If R = Q/2^(n-1) + P, then (under D(n)MAC/RB) the common strategy of each faction approving C on exactly Q ballots is a global equilibrium , so that the winning probabilities for A, B, C become
1-2Q%, 0, and 2Q%, respectively.

This can be thought of as implicit trading, since the second faction moves C up to equal-first on all Q of its ballots, while the first faction moves C up to equal-first on Q of its ballots, as well.

The expected "utilities" for the two factions are

EA = (100-2Q)+R*(2Q)%, and
EB = R*(2Q)%.

For example, if P=60, Q=40, n=3, and R=70, the equation R=Q/2^(n-1)+P is 
satisfied, so

the global equilibrium strategy is for both to approve C on 40 ballots, 
yielding the winning probabilities

20%, 0, and 80%, respectively,
so that the expectations are

EA= 76, and EB=56,

compared with the benchmarks of 60 and 40, respectively.

With these values of P, Q, and R, the number n would have to be 4 (or more) in order to get unanimous support for C.

In that case we would have


Here's the key to my calculations:

Let X and Y be the number of ballots on which C is approved in the respective 

Then the probability that no candidate is approved on all n of the drawn 
ballots is given by the formula

g = 1 - q^n - p^n - (x+y)^n + x^n + y^n,
where p=P/(P+Q), q=Q/(P+Q), x=X/(P+Q), y=Y/(P+Q).

So g is the probability that an additional random ballot will have to be drawn 
to decide the winner.

Then the respective probabilities for wins (under D(n)MAC/RB) by A, B, and C 
are ...

pA = p^n+g*p - when(X+Y>P, x^n, else 0)

pB= q^n+g*q - when(X+Y<Q, 0, else y^n)

pC=(x+y)^n - when(X+Y>P, 0, else x^n) - when(X+Y<Q, y^n, else 0).

Miraculously, these probabilities add up to 1 !

The two faction expectations are
EA = pA + R*pC,  and
EB = pB + R*pC

From there, it's all downhill.

My Best,


----- Original Message -----
From: Jobst Heitzig Date: Thursday, May 22, 2008 3:45 pm
Subject: Re: ID(n)MAC

Dear Forest,

your's is the honour of having solved the method design challenge in the most convincing way!

To see this, one can also look at it a little differently and perhaps even simpler than in your reasoning:

First of all, let's keep in mind that your class of methods is not really a direct generalization of D2MAC since in D2MAC, when the two drawn ballots have no compromise, the deciding ballot is not drawn freshly but is simply the first of the two already drawn.

For original D2MAC, this had two effects: First, a faction of p% size has complete control over p% of the winning probability (which is not true with your class of methods, but anyway that was not part of the challenge's goal). Second, in the situation of two almost equally sized factions, the compromise has to be at least "75% good" for both factions in order to be elected with certainty under original D2MAC. Actually, this latter observation was the very reason for the method design challenge in which, let's recall, a method was sought under which even a compromise that is just above "50% good" for everyone will be elected for sure.

The methods you suggest do solve this task!

I think this is not because you increase the number of ballots from 2 to N, but simply because the "deciding" ballot which is used in case the first N drawn ballots have no common compromise is a *newly* drawn ballot (instead of the first of the earlier drawn ballots)!

To see this, consider your method D(N)MAC with N=2, two factions of relative size P and Q=1-P with favourites A and B, respectively, and assume that everybody prefers some compromise C to the Random Ballot solution. (In your example, any situation with R>P is such a situation). Then full cooperation (the voting behaviour where everybody marks C as approved) is an equilibrium in the sense that no single voter and no "small" group of voters has an incentive to deviate from that voting behaviour. (Only a large group of A-voters consisting of more than Q voters could perhaps have such an incentive.)

More precisely, let's assume that the true "utilities" are

P: A (1) > C (R) > B (0)
Q: B (1) > C (S) > A (0)

with R>P and S>Q, that all of the Q B-voters mark C as approved and that at least X>P-Q of the P A-voters do likewise. Then each A- voter has an expected "utility" of

(Q+X)²R + (1-(Q+X)²)P = (R-P)X² + 2Q(R-P)X + const.

which is monotonic in X for X>P-Q since R-P>0. Hence the optimal X for the A-voters is X=P, that is, full cooperation is optimal for the A-voters and similarly for the B-voters.

The same analysis for the original D2MAC gives an expected "utility" of

(Q+X)²R + P-X + X(P-X) = (R-1)X² + (2QR-1+P)X + const.

which may not be monotonic in X for X>P-Q. In particular, when

2(R-1)P + (2QR-1+P) < 0,

which is equivalent to

R < (P+1)/2

it has a negative derivative at X=P which means that each single A-voter has an incentive to deviate from cooperation. For the case of P=1/2 (that is, equal sized factions), this gives the familiar value of 3/4 (that is, the compromise must be at least 75% good to be elected for sure).

So, your suggestion is indeed a major improvement already for N=2! It meets the goal of the challenge while being both conceptiually very simple and monotonic!

But because of the difference to original D2MAC, I suggest not to call your class of methods D(N)MAC since then D(2)MAC could be confused with D2MAC too easily. Perhaps we could call them


instead since the "fallback" method when the N drawn ballots show no compromise is indeed Random Ballot?

Yours, Jobst

Dear Jobst (and other open minded EM list participants),

Consider the case of two factions

P: A>C>B
Q: B>C>A,

where P>Q>0 and P+Q=100%.

Also suppose that there is a percentage R between 50% and
100%, such that
all voters in the first faction prefer C to the lottery
R*A+(100%-R)*B, and all voters in the second faction prefer C to the lottery

[Range voters can assume that sincere ratings for C are at R
or above on all

It turns out that if the exponent "n" in the following formula
is chosen so that
P+Q*P^(n-1) is less than or equal to R,

then the lottery method D(n)MAC that generalizes Jobst's
D2MAC method
has a stable equilibrium in which C is the sure winner.

Here's what I mean by D(n)MAC:

1. Ballots are approval style with favorites marked.

2. Draw n ballots at random (with replacement, if the ballot
set is small).
3. If there is at least one candidate that is approved on all
of the drawn
ballots, then (among those) elect the one that is approved on
the most ballots
in the total collection of ballots.

4. Otherwise, elect the favorite candidate on another
randomly drawn ballot.

51% A>C>B
49% B>C>A

with R(C)=52%.

Since .51+..49*51^7<.52, the method D7MAC has a stable
equilibrium in which C
is the sure winner.

Note also that if P=Q=50%, then the relation simplifies to
1/2^n+1/2 < R .
So for example, if we cannot be certain which of the two
factions is larger,
then for R > 62.5%, candidate C is a stable D3MAC winner.

As Always,


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