At 02:29 PM 12/7/2008, Kristofer Munsterhjelm wrote:
But your description confused me somewhat, regarding what's the assembly and what's the electoral college.

The electoral college is simply a term for the collection of electors, who are public voters. It's similar to the U.S. electoral college, but these electors are chosen by voters directly, without contest. I presme that they would be required to register, they might get a number to be used by voters to specify them, there might e a pamphlet published with a list of registered "candidates," we might as well say "electors" because we may assume that they will all get at least one vote, should they vote for themselves.

In some systems there may be a minimum number of votes to actually qualify as an elector, but that is under "difficult conditions," I won't consider it here.

So let's be more specific. Say you want to use Asset voting to elect a president (or some other office, but let's call it president).

Now, the advantage of Asset is representation for everybody, right? So there seems to be two possible ways this could happen.

Either the first round is a vote for electors and the second round is a vote by the electors for the first outcome. In that case, you'd need a traditional single-winner method to decide the second outcome; only that the second round would be restricted to the electors and weighted by the votes they got in the first round....

There could be many possible ways to conduct the successive elections. I'm presuming that the electors have a means of voting easily. It could be by internet, phone, etc.. The votes are public and fraud could be detected and corrected. Because they are public votes, they could be registered and even changed until some point considered final.

I do *not*, by the way, favor using Asset to directly elect a president. I'd prefer to see a parliamentary election. The electors may vote in it, but the deliberation takes place in the Assembly, and the vote takes place there.

... or, the first round vote for an elector (whoever, including yourself if it may be) is for the composition of a deliberative body that uses rules like RRO to determine a true majority decision (in this case, of who becomes president). If so, you're subject to all the scaling issues of a deliberative body - scaling issues that keep us from simply using direct democracy.

Which is it?

The second. The voting method for the assembly is STV, but it is not single-ballot, and it is likely that the Hare quota would be used. Because all electors may retain the right to cast direct votes on matters before the assembly, it's important that the voting power of each seat be the same as the voting power of the electors who have not combined to form a seat. That's why the Hare quota.

The "electoral college" is the entire body of electors, all those who have the right, now, to vote publicly vote. They do not obtain, thereby, deliberative rights in the Assembly, other than the right to vote. (The right to vote in the Assembly is not part of the original Asset; the original Asset was STV-PR, probably with a Droop quota, which does leave a quota of voters unrepresented, which I dislike. It's possible, using the Hare quota, to have some quasi-seats with, possibly, restricted rights, to deal with the dregs. But simply having the right to vote, and especially if that right can be revocably delegated, there isn't much of a problem.

(Or does Asset voting imply proxy democracy?)

Asset Voting is a form of proxy democracy, incorporating a base-level proxy assignment by ballot. It's not a revocable proxy until the next election, when all proxies are confirmed. It's not a personal proxy, the proxy does not know the identity of the voter, but the voter knows the proxy and knows how the proxy voted, and how whomever the proxy gave his or her vote to voted. The voter presumably has better access to the proxy than to the seat, hence the proxy continues to serve as a means of communication between the public and their representatives. The seats know who voted for them.

It's different from proxy democracy in that votes are routinely delegated to seats; when a seat votes, the seat votes with a quota of votes, effectively. But if any of those who voted for the seat vote, those votes are deducted from the seat's vote. My expectation is that most of the time, electors will simply allow their seat to vote. But having the *right* to vote changes the nature of the system and makes it harder for it to fail. It also deals with allowing complete representation: even if an elector doesn't manage to put all of his or her votes into a seat or seats, those votes aren't wasted. Delegable proxy could be used to combine lots of loose votes, easily and efficiently, into a few who would cast them. But if you are an elector who only got your own vote, one vote, and you want to vote on every issue before the assembly, you could do it. I don't know why you'd want to, it would be an extraordinary waste of time for such a small exercise in power, but you could do it. Nobody would be coercing you to support something you can't support.

Asset Voting does not require a party system to produce accurate proportional representation. In a way, it is not proportional representation at all, it is *full* representation.

The way the problem of scale is addressed is to separate deliberation from voting. I think that's my invention, I don't recall seeing it described anywhere else. It's always been assumed that the two go together. Voting can be done on a large scale, deliberation requires concentrated representation when the scale is large. Want to present an idea to the floor? You've got to have some support, i.e., as a lone elector you can't do it by right, you have to get a seat to either present the idea or ask the permission of the assembly for you to do it. (And, actually, to allow you to present directly it would take two seats, a motion and second, plus lack of opposition, but I'd assume that courtesy would normally indicate a rapid second unless a seat abused the privilege.)

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