This gets called difficult.

Seemed simpler after I tried staring it down, so I hope my thoughts can help.

The diagonal in the N*N matrix (A,A thru Z,Z) should be 0 - so make this happen as last step, without worrying before.

Let there be a column n for value for candidates for which there are no votes, to be used at the end: This could simply be copied in to columns for which there are no votes. It can be added in to other columns if we prepare their values to be consistent with this - using add for those selected for copy above works since add would have the same effect as copy for them.

Summing matrices, such as from two different precincts: Align, if necessary, such that data for candidate A be added together. If a candidate needs adding, such as for a write-in, initial values for that column and row are 0. Cols n values are simply added.

First ranking on a ballot is for candidate A. Simply add '1' to n,A - will show A as A>? for that entire row. Do this for each and every candidate ranked by this voter. Note two ballot formats: There being only one place for ranking A, multiple rankings are impossible. If ranking can be indicated in multiple ballot fields for A, this must be checked for and attended to.

Second ranking is for B. Must attend to A,B and B,A, for which what is said above would be correct if each outranked the other:
     If A=B, neither outranks, so correct by subtracting '1' from each.
     If A>B, subtract '1' from B,A - likewise from A,B for B>A.

Third ranking is for C - treat pairs A-C and B-C like A-B. Continue this pattern if more candidates ranked.

Dave Ketchum

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