This is not an answer to the question of how to arrange them into a tree,
but here is an idea for how to compare factions of different sizes:

If there are N total candidates, then the score of a faction (a subset of
candidates) of size M could be the voter count of that faction (the number
of voters who ranked those candidates strictly above all other candidates)
divided by the expected size of a faction of size M (total number of voters
divided by "N choose M").

Then you could identify the weakest candidate in the strongest faction and
make him go first, or something like that.

In general, since it seems like an disadvantage to go first, to me it
doesn't seem right to make the strongest candidate go first.  Jameson, is
the main thing you're trying to avoid the game of chicken between two
clones?  Or are you trying to avoid the game of chicken and the kingmaker
problem at the same time?

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