Truthfully my damning MMPO scenario is meant to show a Plurality failure, so the
last-preference rankings that Kristofer lists as equal are meant to be 
In other words, candidate C receives acknowledgement from TWO voters.
The appalling thing is not meant to be that the winner primarily has lower 
We would be able to choose from very few methods if that were the problem.

--- En date de : Ven 14.10.11, Juho Laatu <juho4...@yahoo.co.uk> a écrit :

De: Juho Laatu <juho4...@yahoo.co.uk>
Objet: Re: [EM] Comments on the declaration and on a few voting systems
À: "Election Methods" <election-meth...@electorama.com>
Date: Vendredi 14 octobre 2011, 15h11

If that one example set of votes is "bad enough" for MMPO, then how about this 
example for PC(wv)?

49 A
48 B > C
03 C

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