> In response to your question as to whether it is reasonable to
> expect that, at some point, there might be five concurrent processes
> involving five groups (or parties) with the turnout percentage that
> you described.  Yes, I think it is.

It is here in these independent processes that you would confront
"strong opposition".  You would have no control over any except your
own, contingent even there upon actually being able to implement it.

But this is a practical matter, so maybe leave it for another thread.

> Is the approach Juho and I were looking at not passive in the sense
> that it does not seek candidates but accepts those nominated?


> In a method like this, do you think competition, first within the
> groups (parties), and then between the groups would tend to have a
> moderating effect on the final choices of candidates?

I don't know.  But if people do agree amongst themselves to elect an
immoderate officer, or a moderate one, then I am confident nothing
could systematically oppose them.  Although a moderating/immoderating
electoral process might be conceived, it could never be enforced.  It
would require a power that does not exist in our society.

But again, this is a practical matter.

Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528

Fred Gohlke said:
> Good Afternoon, Michael
> Thanks for explaining.
> In response to your question as to whether it is reasonable to expect 
> that, at some point, there might be five concurrent processes involving 
> five groups (or parties) with the turnout percentage that you described. 
>   Yes, I think it is.
> Is the approach Juho and I were looking at not passive in the sense that 
> it does not seek candidates but accepts those nominated?
> In a method like this, do you think competition, first within the groups 
> (parties), and then between the groups would tend to have a moderating 
> effect on the final choices of candidates?
> Fred
> ----
> Election-Methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528
Election-Methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

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