Further to the above (in case I'm not clear enough about what is IMO 
missing for Elm to become "the missing link") I found this updated Space 
Invaders code: https://ohanhi.github.io/base-for-game-elm-017.html

This 1.7 rewrite might be be near perfect as a foundation if only it took 
the next step and added rudimentary graphics play.  Although it could use 
more documentation it is simple enough that I can almost understand the 
skeleton.    Would adding graphics be really easy?  Could someone give me a 
On Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 9:05:34 AM UTC-7, rud...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Saturday, November 7, 2015 at 4:12:22 AM UTC-8, Mohammad Alshafey wrote:
>> Is there sufficient material online for someone to learn Elm? It seems 
>> that the examples available each use different libraries and functions and 
>> each with some unique elements. There are no tutorials only basic 
>> introductions. The core library documentations are very abstract and 
>> lacking. Feeling stuck. I want to learn but there's nothing to go on!
> I had just decided to try and learn something and I'm also foundering.
> First:  A lot -- I'm inclined to say "most" -- of the online learning 
> material has been broken by the switch to version 1.7.  "An Introduction to 
> Elm" is only half there (the more useful half, where things are actually 
> becoming graphical, is promised in "the next few weeks"....how many weeks 
> exactly?).  The online tutorial https://pragmaticstudio.com/elm has been 
> removed.  I have no doubt the move to subscriptions vs signals will be good 
> in the long run but right now it is pretty painful right now.
> Second:  Beyond this, even the existing docs are IMO too presumptive of 
> prior knowledge.  There are few/no line by line comments in "An 
> Introduction to Elm", for one specific example. Doubtless that is because 
> "everyone" already understands the line-by-line basics but, in fact, they 
> don't.  At least *I* don't.   
> Suggestion: A single one page (52 line max but ideally less) graphical 
> game MASSIVELY documented (I mean, don't let there be anything on the line 
> which a reasonably intelligent sixth grader wouldn't already know go 
> unremarked) would, I think, work wonders for Elm.   Something as simple as 
> a blob which could be moved in four directions on a screen to "eat" static 
> "fruit" would work wonders.  The working tetris (flatrus) game DOES work in 
> 1.7 but it is way, way, way too complicated for tutorial purposes -- 
> especially since if follows the practice of basically assuming people don't 
> need line by line comments).   With the most simplistic of graphical games 
> MASSIVELY overdocumented a solid foundation of understanding and playing 
> with Elm could be laid.  A great follow on would be to step-by-step (over 
> explaining every step) build on that base. For example, add a counter.  Add 
> reset buttons.  Add movement to the fruit.  Etc.
> I would love to participate in development / documentation of such a thing 
> but I can't figure out how to get to the basic level of understanding of 
> what is going on.  FYI I have only the most basic level of "basic" 
> programming skill.  I don't know javascript (and don't want to learn) nor 
> HTML nor how to design a webpage.  I am, therefore, a perfect candidate for 
> a student.  My motivation for wanting a really, really, really easy on-ramp 
> to Elm?   (1) Of the functional languages Elm is, or could be, the most 
> approachable and "playable"  (2) I would like to teach Em to 6th graders as 
> an on-ramp to functional programming and, then, to functional thinking.
> These kinds of simplistic and "obvious" games existed once upon a time; 
> that is how I learned to write BASIC programs a long time ago.  Can Elm 
> bring that simplicity back?  Looking at some of the short code examples I 
> believe so.  But the documentation still is very, very poor unless you are 
> already pretty much up to speed on what is going on.

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