Sometime between when `id: 39` and `id: 40` is created during `rawSpawn` 
the `root` key in the object goes null.  Still trying to find what code is 
wiping it...

On Wednesday, August 3, 2016 at 12:21:18 PM UTC-6, OvermindDL1 wrote:
> The task object with `id: 39` does not have a null `root` at the time it 
> is put into workQueue.  At the time it is put into the workQueue it is: 
>  {callback : function(b), ctor: "_Task_andThen", task: {callback: 
> function(callback), cancel: function(), ctor: "_Task_nativeBinding"}}
> The root.task.callback function seems to have one interesting closure that 
> has a key/value of `navStart:1470247637381`, and there is another link in 
> the cancel to the process with `id: 38` so it appears to be a 
> continuation of that one.  I am not sure of the internal structure of Elm 
> so I am not sure what Native Binding it is called, and I use no Native 
> Bindings in my project (only what comes with Elm core libraries is what 
> exists here at all).
> A little further digging and I am seeing 
> `_elm_lang$animation_frame$Native_AnimationFrame` in the stack, further 
> digging makes it seem (although I am unsure) that the `root.task.callback` 
> is the same function as defined at:  
> I am not yet seeing how the `root` key on this "_Process" object is 
> getting cleared yet before it has a chance to be processed, still tracing...
> On Wednesday, August 3, 2016 at 11:59:23 AM UTC-6, OvermindDL1 wrote:
>> Debugged into it and caught the exception at the point to get the stack 
>> values:
>> ```javascript
>> numSteps = 403
>> process = Object {ctor: "_Process", id: 39, root: null, stack: null, 
>> mailbox: Array[0]}
>> ```
>> So root is null, why would it be trying to access a null value without 
>> checking if null?
>> Any ideas how to work around this in this project so I can at least keep 
>> working in chrome?
>> On Wednesday, August 3, 2016 at 11:52:36 AM UTC-6, OvermindDL1 wrote:
>>> I keep getting this exception thrown from inside Elm, so far only from 
>>> Chrome Version 51.0.2704.103 m
>>> ```
>>> elm.js:2417  Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'ctor' of null
>>> ```
>>> Where that line and the surrounding context is purely Elm generated 
>>> code, and is:
>>> ```javascript
>>> // STEP PROCESSES  // Line 2411
>>> function step(numSteps, process)
>>> {
>>> while (numSteps < MAX_STEPS)
>>> {
>>> var ctor = process.root.ctor;  // Line 2417 -- This is the error: 
>>>  Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'ctor' of null
>>> if (ctor === '_Task_succeed')
>>> {
>>> while (process.stack && process.stack.ctor === '_Task_onError')
>>> {
>>> process.stack =;
>>> }
>>> if (process.stack === null)
>>> ```
>>> The same javascript seems to run fine in firefox, IE, and edge, this 
>>> only seems to happen in Chrome and only 'sometimes'.  It seems to happen 
>>> pretty quickly during loading and if it does not happen at the start then 
>>> it does not seem to happen.  I've not been able to find code to whittle 
>>> down that lets my app still do anything while still causing this error.
>>> The 'step' function is being called from the 'work' function of (and 
>>> with context):
>>> ```
>>> javascript
>>> var working = false;
>>> var workQueue = [];
>>> function enqueue(process) {
>>> workQueue.push(process);
>>> if (!working) {
>>> setTimeout(work, 0);
>>> working = true;
>>> }
>>> }
>>> function work() {
>>> var numSteps = 0;
>>> var process;
>>> while (numSteps < MAX_STEPS && (process = workQueue.shift())) {
>>> numSteps = step(numSteps, process); // This is the place in the 
>>> callstack before step
>>> }
>>> if (!process) {
>>> working = false;
>>> return;
>>> }
>>> setTimeout(work, 0);
>>> }
>>> ```
>>> Chrome is not reporting anything in the stack below `work` so this 
>>> appears to be during the setTimeout callback set a few lines prior to work 
>>> that calls work.
>>> Any thoughts as to the cause?

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