I just browsed around a bit, and noticed the following things:
(1) Put your code in a source folder. Having all your elm files in the same 
folder as elm-package.json, .gitignore, index.html, etc is distracting. To 
do this, add your source folder to the "source-directories" property in 
elm-package.json, like this:
    source-directories": [
change it to:
    "source-directories": [
(2) Auto-formatter? I don't like this one. It needlessly deeply indents 
things, like the 'rotations'' function 
I prefer to put 'case ... of' on one line, the same line as the '=' it 
follows, because it's usually short. Too much indentation makes code 
unreadable. I think the official coding style (unfortunately) promotes this 
(3) 'rotate' looks very 
It's just a bunch of 'if's. Why not turn 'Piece' into an enum type, and 
then have 'rotate' pattern match the enum? ... The texture property looks 
like it should just be a wrapper: 'type Textured a = Textured Int a'. ... 
Using an 'Int' as an index for some list/array (I assume that's how it's 
working.) is very C-like. Unless there's a nearly unlimited amount of 
textures (one for each integer value), use an enumeration with a fixed 
amount of constructors instead. To me, a type represents not only the shape 
of its underlying data, *but also its **semantics** *. (I admit, Elm 
doesn't fully embrace this philosophy yet, (partly because nearly all the 
languages that have come before it don't either, so people still have 
trouble thinking outside the C-like imperative-OO box), but I think it's 
the way forward, because when it's paired with a strong type system like 
Haskell's or Elm's, it prevents many logic errors, like adding 1 meter to 2 
feet and getting 3 feet, or 4 ticks to 5 seconds and getting 9 seconds, or 
7 apples to 8 oranges and getting 15 oranges, etc.)
(4) You should always give a function a type annotation: 

>* I don't think I'll be using evancz/elm-graphics in the future since I'll 
be doing less gamey stuff or want to work with canvas more directly. How is 
this usually done?
By using Svg 
instead: http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm-lang/svg/1.1.1

On Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at 4:40:38 PM UTC-5, Thomas Ballinger wrote:
> Hi Elm folks! I've enjoyed reading this list for a bit. I've written my 
> first Elm thing over the last couple weeks and would love to hear any kind 
> of feedback on it. It's an unfinished game jam piece I kept running with so 
> the title doesn't make sense.
> code: https://github.com/thomasballinger/loveinthetimeoftetris
> live: love.ballingt.com (takes about 70 seconds to play all of)
> I was going to clean things up the way I know how, but I need to take a 
> break to get some other things done and I thought I'd learn more by asking 
> how someone else might clean it up. Please don't assume I know what I'm 
> doing in the slightest :)
> Any feedback would be great, but if prompts are helpful:
> * what does this code make it look like I'm missing about Elm?
> * what do you think of the extensible record type aliases? I think the way 
> I've used them is mostly terrible, I designed them up front instead of 
> letting them evolve.
> * code style?
> * I'm using an elm autoformatter, how's my formatting? Is this style 
> common?
> * I don't think I'll be using evancz/elm-graphics in the future since I'll 
> be doing less gamey stuff or want to work with canvas more directly. How is 
> this usually done?
> * I abandoned elm reactor once I started embedding in html, is that a 
> viable workflow I should have stuck with for longer?
> * I was tempted to start a utils file or look for an external lib but was 
> trying to focus on learning the stdlib. Are there pretty common util libs 
> folks use? I sure missed some list functions.
> * I escaped to JavaScript anytime I thought it would be hard to do 
> something with the stdlib, presumably it would be nice to use Elm for some 
> of these things?
> Thanks so much, and feel free to contact off list if you prefer at 
> m...@ballingt.com <javascript:> - if you do I'll report back what I 
> learned to the list.

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