
After I found out about elm-polymer library, I tried to reimplement your
example but, I've run into issues.

This is as far as I got

The problems are due to the way children are handled.
I tried a fix that I remembered from a previous exploration (lazyRegister)
but, the rendering is still bad.

This is yet another reason I think that Polymer might not be the best way
A native Elm solution to Web Components might produce better results both
in therms of developer UX and in terms of final deliverables.

On Sun, Dec 4, 2016 at 5:51 PM, Wouter In t Velt <wouter.intv...@gmail.com>

> Op zondag 4 december 2016 15:43:40 UTC+1 schreef Peter Damoc:
>> You're trading one set of boilerplate for another.
> Fair enough. I could have pointed that out in the conclusions.
> Both your versions are almost as bad as you are forcing internal details
>> of the functioning of the dropdown onto the user of the dropdown.
> Could you explain this? I am not sure I follow what you are saying here.
> Wouldn't we always enforce some kind of API from the dropdown on the user?
> Or what would need to be different in both versions to not "force
> internals .. onto the user" ?
> The pure version is indeed more aligned with the current recommendations
>> but it is almost as bad from a library user point of view.
> Taking the pattern and consequences from a dropdown to a library is
> something that I did not consider. Maybe I should have.
>> In order to have a full treatment of the issue, implement a
>> webcomponents/polymer version of the same functionality and then argue that
>> the "pure" version is better.
> By no means did I intend to make a full treatment of the issue, or claim
> that pure is always better than stateful.
> Admittedly, the wording of the last paragraphs was too strong, so I
> changed that.
> I follow the uptake of integrating web components/ polymer with much
> interest.
> The argument in the article was made specifically where the dev is
> building everything in elm, and wants to structure his/her code when the
> app grows.
> The implementation of a Polymer version is a different scenario IMHO.
> But thank you for the challenge, I'll look into it ;)
> --
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