On Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 3:45:24 AM UTC, Robert Lee wrote:
> The following fits in good enough for me.
> filterDiv : List (Maybe (H.Attribute msg)) -> List (Maybe (H.Html msg)) -> 
> H.Html msg
> filterDiv a n =
>     H.div (List.filterMap identity a) (List.filterMap identity n)

Yes, or even:

filterNode :
    (List (H.Attribute msg) -> List (H.Html msg) -> H.Html msg)
    -> List (Maybe (H.Attribute msg))
    -> List (Maybe (H.Html msg))
    -> H.Html msg
filterNode node a n =
    node (List.filterMap identity a) (List.filterMap identity n)

To make it work over all Html nodes not just divs. Then filterDiv = 
filterNode div, and so on.

I went for a slightly different approach which is to define:

when : Bool -> a -> Maybe a
when condition value =
    if (condition) then
        Just value

required : a -> Maybe a
required value =
    Just value

optional : List (Maybe a) -> List a
optional =

Then I can make just the attributes or the child nodes optional. For 

div []
    [ contentView model content |> required
    , slideButton model |> required
    , sideNav model |> required
    , clickPlane |> when model.menuOpen

I could use Just directly instead of 'required' but it has a certain visual 
appeal in that I can scan down the list and see what is always there and 
what is toggled by a condition.

P.S. I like your "List.filterMap identity", I was using Maybe.Extra.values 
for the same thing. At first I was scratching my head, why does the 
identity function make a filter over a list? Buit then I see the type of 
filterMap and how it works. I can drop Maybe.Extra now...

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