
Jonathan Oddie <j.j.od...@gmail.com> writes:

> (This is a duplicate of a Stackexchange question posted at 
> http://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/17061/is-exporting-of-smart-single-quotes-broken-in-org-8-3)
> I cannot seem get single quotes to export as 'smart' quotes under Org
> 8.3.2.  Here is a minimal file that reproduces the problem:
>     #+OPTIONS: ':t
>     #+LANGUAGE: en
>     This is 'within single quotes'.  This is "within double quotes".
> Expected behavior: from "emacs -Q", under which "M-x org-version"
> reports 8.2.10, the output when exporting to UTF-8 plaintext is:
>     This is ‘within single quotes’. This is “within double quotes”
> and the output when exporting to LaTeX is:
>     This is `within single quotes'.  This is ``within double quotes''.
> If I load the most recent version of org-mode (starting from "emacs -Q",
> typing "M-x package-initialize RET", and "M-x load-library RET org
> RET"), "org-version" reports 8.3.2, and the output no longer correctly
> translates single quotes.  In UTF-8 text, the result is:
>     This is ’within single quotes’. This is “within double quotes”.
> In LaTeX, the result is:
>     This is 'within single quotes'.  This is ``within double quotes''.
> Thanks in advance for any advice,

The smart quotes algorithm changed. Now "..." are always level 1 quotes,
and '...' and always level 2. IOW, '...' are not treated as smart quotes
if they are not located within "...".

Note that for a given language, "..." can still be treated as single
quotes and '...' as double quotes.


Nicolas Goaziou

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