Matt Lundin <> writes:

> Jan Malakhovski <> writes:
>> I'm pretty sure that there are other org-mode users that are weeping
>> silently since that change. Suppose you have more than a screen of clock
>> lines in LOGBOOK under a heading (I have headings that have thousands).
>> (org-agenda-goto) before 9f5e698679aecbed872a2030e4157e5e2b1d87e0 is
>> very helpful when moving CLOCK lines between headings (think "refile
>> CLOCK line") or editing overlaps or gaps: you <Tab> or click on the
>> heading and here you are at the CLOCK, but after
>> 9f5e698679aecbed872a2030e4157e5e2b1d87e0 you have to *retype* the date
>> and time into search, which is annoying to say the least.
> Try typing RET in the agenda. That calls org-agenda-switch-to, which
> brings you to the relevant clock information in the agenda.(However, if
> the information is tucked away in a LOGBOOK, it remains somewhat
> inconveniently hidden from view).

Judging by the names and default key bindings alone I'd prefer
org-agenda-switch-to to do the new org-agenda-goto thing, and
org-agenda-goto have the previous behavior. This kinda makes more sense
to me, see below.

In any case, current org-agenda-switch-to behavior is no replacement for
old org-agenda-goto:

1) I'm not aware of a key sequence to do org-reveal for drawers (in
org-agenda-goto it's a nontrivial piece of code).
2) Even if there is such a sequence, the drawer should be open by default.

>> I'm willing to listen, but I seriously doubt there's such a compelling
>> argument defending the change. Even when out of `org-agenda-list` in
>> plain `org-agenda`, jumping to SCHEDULED or DEADLINE lines is nicer than
>> to the heading itself.
> I disagree that jumping to the SCHEDULED or DEADLINE lines from a normal
> agenda is always nicer than jumping to the headline. I can easily change
> planning info from within the agenda. But I cannot change the text of
> the headline itself -- that is usually why I jump from the agenda. If
> nothing else, we should have both options, which we seem to currently
> have with the difference between TAB (org-agenda-goto) and RET
> (org-agenda-switch-to). However, I am not sure how intentional this is,
> as I can find nothing highlighting this difference in the documentation.

Okay, that is a pretty valid use case, but even then, (below starts
here) org file syntax requires SCHEDULED and DEADLINE to be just under
the heading, which means that you can navigate to the heading pretty
easily, where as with CLOCK lines you can not. Which is why, I think,
both org-agenda-goto and org-agenda-goto-mouse should have the old
behavior, but, in principle, I can imagine <Tab> and <RET> doing
different things in plain org-agenda and org-agenda-list.

So, to sum up, I see three possible solutions:

1) org-agenda-goto and org-agenda-goto-mouse jump to a line with the
   timestamp (old org-agenda-goto behavior), org-agenda-switch-to jumps
   to the heading (current org-agenda-goto behavior).
   (I vote for this).

2) org-agenda-switch-to gets the org-agenda-goto behavior.
   (I can live with it, but I think it is less pretty.)

3) org-agenda-goto and *-mouse (or just their key bindings) do
   different things in plain agenda and in agenda-list.
   (Seems complicated.)


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