Does this back-trace say anything?

"{\n    function(object,transfer.file) {\n        object\n        invisible(\n  
          if (\n                inherits(\n                    try(\n           
             {\n                            tfile<-tempfile()\n                 
           write.table(object, file=tfile, sep=\"\\t\",\n                       
file.rename(tfile,transfer.file)\n                        },\n                  
      silent=TRUE),\n                    \"try-error\"))\n                {\n   
file.create(transfer.file)\n                }\n            )\n    
         <- vcovHC(reg, type = \"HC1\")\nrobust_se    <- 
sqrt(diag(cov1))\n\ncov2         <- vcovHC(reg.1, type = \"HC1\")\nrobust_se2   
 <- sqrt(diag(cov2))\n                                        # Adjust F 
statistic\nwald_results <- waldtest(reg, vcov = cov1)\nwald_results2 <- 
waldtest(reg.1, vcov = cov2)\n\n                                        
#coeftest(reg, vcov = hccm)->reg2\noptions(scipen = 
999)\nlibrary(stargazer)\nstargazer(reg.1,reg,\n          align=TRUE,\n         
 title=\"Regression of per capita calorie intake with monthly per capita 
consumer expenditure, and demographic and other socio-economic variables\",\n   
       dep.var.labels = c(\"Per capita calorie intake\",\"Log of per capita 
calorie intake\"),\n          se=list(NULL,robust_se,robust_se2),\n          
omit=\"state\",\n          model.numbers=FALSE,\n          report = \"vct*\",\n 
         single.row=TRUE,\n          omit.labels = \"State and region 
dummies\")" value ("replace" "scalar" "latex") nil nil)
         <- vcovHC(reg, type = \"HC1\")\nrobust_se    <- 
sqrt(diag(cov1))\n\ncov2         <- vcovHC(reg.1, type = \"HC1\")\nrobust_se2   
 <- sqrt(diag(cov2))\n                                        # Adjust F 
statistic\nwald_results <- waldtest(reg, vcov = cov1)\nwald_results2 <- 
waldtest(reg.1, vcov = cov2)\n\n                                        
#coeftest(reg, vcov = hccm)->reg2\noptions(scipen = 
999)\nlibrary(stargazer)\nstargazer(reg.1,reg,\n          align=TRUE,\n         
 title=\"Regression of per capita calorie intake with monthly per capita 
consumer expenditure, and demographic and other socio-economic variables\",\n   
       dep.var.labels = c(\"Per capita calorie intake\",\"Log of per capita 
calorie intake\"),\n          se=list(NULL,robust_se,robust_se2),\n          
omit=\"state\",\n          model.numbers=FALSE,\n          report = \"vct*\",\n 
         single.row=TRUE,\n          omit.labels = \"State and region 
dummies\")" value ("replace" "scalar" "latex") nil nil)
         <- vcovHC(reg, type = \"HC1\")\nrobust_se    <- 
sqrt(diag(cov1))\n\ncov2         <- vcovHC(reg.1, type = \"HC1\")\nrobust_se2   
 <- sqrt(diag(cov2))\n                                        # Adjust F 
statistic\nwald_results <- waldtest(reg, vcov = cov1)\nwald_results2 <- 
waldtest(reg.1, vcov = cov2)\n\n                                        
#coeftest(reg, vcov = hccm)->reg2\noptions(scipen = 
999)\nlibrary(stargazer)\nstargazer(reg.1,reg,\n          align=TRUE,\n         
 title=\"Regression of per capita calorie intake with monthly per capita 
consumer expenditure, and demographic and other socio-economic variables\",\n   
       dep.var.labels = c(\"Per capita calorie intake\",\"Log of per capita 
calorie intake\"),\n          se=list(NULL,robust_se,robust_se2),\n          
omit=\"state\",\n          model.numbers=FALSE,\n          report = \"vct*\",\n 
         single.row=TRUE,\n          omit.labels = \"State and region 
dummies\")" ((:colname-names) (:rowname-names) (:result-params "replace" 
"scalar" "latex") (:result-type . value) (:comments . "") (:shebang . "") 
(:cache . "no") (:padline . "") (:noweb . "no") (:tangle . "no") (:exports . 
"results") (:results . "replace scalar latex") (:hlines . "no") (:session . 
  call-interactively(org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c nil nil)

> On 28-May-2016, at 10:31 pm, Charles C. Berry <> wrote:
> p.s. one more thing - below
> On Sat, 28 May 2016, Charles C. Berry wrote:
>> On Sat, 28 May 2016, William Denton wrote:
>>> On 28 May 2016, Vikas Rawal wrote:
>>>> Thanks John. Appreciate that you cared to respond to such a vague query. I 
>>>> am at a loss with this one. It does not happen all the time. I think it 
>>>> happens when I am processing large datasets, and CPUs and RAM of my system 
>>>> are struggling to keep up. But I could be wrong.
>>> I've had the same kind of thing happen---but C-g (sometimes many) to kill 
>>> the command, then rerunning, usually works without any trouble. Some 
>>> strange combination of CPU and RAM and all that, the kind of thing that's 
>>> not easily reproducible.
>> Try this: customize `debug-on-quit' to `t' (and set for current session).
>> Then when you have to quit via C-g, you will get a backtrace showing where 
>> the process was hanging and how it got there. This might be helpful in 
>> figuring out what is going on.
>> Run your code and when you finally have to C-g out copy the *Backtrace* 
>> buffer and report it back here (or on the ESS list if appropriate).
> After you copy the buffer, you should type 'q' in the *Backtrace* buffer to 
> finish up or you may have some odd messages and hangups afterwards.
> Chuck

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