Hi all,

>> Would they need to install LaTeX too, or is org mode self-contained and
>> able to export to pdf without LaTeX an friends installed?
> Yes, they'd need to have a LaTeX distribution installed on their system. In
> my experience, installing the full latest version of TexLive is the easiest
> way.

For years, my approach was to install texlive-full. But that meant
blocking me for around 2 hours.

Recently, I threw together a minimal Dockerfile to enable org-to-pdf
export. Here's the gist of it:

    FROM ubuntu:xenial
    RUN apt update && apt install -y software-properties-common
    RUN apt install -y texlive-latex-extra cm-super

I also install Emacs and some project specific stuff on top of it. In
the end, the built Docker image is only 2.19GB.
If you don't care for Docker, you can just install the above minimal
packages with sudo.


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