Christopher W Ryan <> writes:

> I'm a longtime LaTeX user and a more recent org mode user. So I've always
> had LaTeX installed on any computer on which I was using org mode. I'd like
> to introduce org mode to a co-worker unfamiliar with the whole concept of
> plain text files, markup, and literate programming, etc.  Would they need
> to install LaTeX too, or is org mode self-contained and able to export to
> pdf without LaTeX an friends installed?

You /could/ use latexonline.  I think it even supports bibtex.

Here’s a minimal example.

    * TODO headline
     *bf* /emph/ etc.

     | a |

     #+begin_src emacs-lisp
       (let ((str (mapconcat 'identity
                 '("tar -cj %f" "|"
                   "curl -L --post301 --post302 --post303 -F file=@-"
                   "> %b.pdf")
                 '" ")))
         (setq org-latex-pdf-process (list str)))

How to include all document dependencies (e.g. images) in the tar file is
left as an exercise for the motivated reader.  One could probably make a
"dumb" but effective solution by finding all instances of certain file
types in the project folder.

Needless to say, if you use this with real-life documents, you will
probably want to set up your own instance of latexonline.


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