I do not have much insight into all the possible outcomes (i.e. I am clueless about such outcomes) except one outcome - orgmode MIME type gets registered.  I think it would serve well the proliferation and popularization of org-mode. I.e. I do not see any negatives, only positives. After successful registration, I don't think anyone would really complain that their "Lotus Organiser" or organ audio samples do not get processed as usual.

 AFAIC, push this.

 H J

On 9/17/20 9:09 AM, TEC wrote:
I'm still hoping for that discussion :P

To the Org community, if you have thoughts on this - please share them


Me earlier:
Bastien <b...@gnu.org> writes:
Let's discuss this with care, and consider all possible outcomes.
This is /exactly/ what I was hoping to prompt with this email.
I think it would be a nice idea (assuming feasibility), but it's
certainly not something to rush.

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