On Wed, May 26, 2021 at 4:39 PM Nicolas Goaziou <m...@nicolasgoaziou.fr> wrote:

> The processor uses the "en-US" CSL locale file shipped with Org for rendering
> localized dates and terms in the references, independently of the language
> settings of the Org document.  Additional CSL locales can be made available
> by setting `org-cite-csl-locales-dir' to a directory containing the locale
> files in question (see <https://github.com/citation-style-language/locales>
> for such files).  The directory must contain at least the "en-US" CSL locale.

So if I setup a separate directory for different locales files, I also
have to include the default locale that's already shipped with org?

That seems a bit odd.

Related, could we also have a  `org-cite-csl-styles-dir' defcustom, to
avoid having to specify the full path?

And/or alternately just  `org-cite-csl-dir' for both locales and styles?

Also, is it possible for me to set things up so that export to latex
runs through the oc-biblatex processor, but otherwise it uses oc-csl,
where I have (obviously) different styles for each?


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