
Running Org 9.5 on Emacs 28.0.60, I noticed that org-goto seems to be

1. When I press "C-c C-j", instead of displaying the indirect buffer in
one window and the org-goto menu in another, only the org-goto window
(the "*Org Help*" buffer) is displayed.

2. When I type a letter of a heading, instead of going to a heading
matching that character, I see "No variable specified" in the echo area.

3. When I press "C-g" to exit org-goto, the "*Org Help*" buffer doesn't
get buried, and I see "Quit" in the echo area.

4. When I then press "q", the "*Org Help*" buffer is buried and I'm
shown an "*org-goto*" buffer, which appears to be the indirect clone
that should have been shown.

5. Then when I press "C-g" again, I'm returned to the window
configuration that was shown before I called org-goto.

AFAIK, org-goto worked on Org 9.4.6 that I was using before Org 9.5 was
merged into the Emacs 28.0.x branch.


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