In developing emtest, I've given some thought to conventions for test
files.  My convention is that:

   * tests of foo.el go into foo/tests.el

     * With feature name foo/tests

   * Any shared testhelp goes into foo/testhelp.el

     * With feature name foo/testhelp

   * Example files go in foo/examples/

   * Alternative, they can all be placed in another directory
     hierarchy, like "org/testing/foo/tests.el" as long as
     "org/testing" is in the load-path (emacs doesn't know the

I welcome any comments on this convention.  I considered it carefully;
I wrote a small document considering the alternatives and chose this
as best.  But it's young enough that it could be changed, were strong
arguments made towards some alternative.

        Tom Breton (Tehom)

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