Nicolas Goaziou <> writes:

> Based on [Karl Voit's] work, I've put up the attached back-end:
> org-koma-letter.el.

Thanks.  It's wonderful writing letters with the new latex exporter.
You should consider adding it to org_contrib.

> It's far from being complete. See it as a proof of concept. Feel free
> to upgrade it.

I need two further features to fully adopt org-koma-letter.el, but I am
not sure how to proceed (I still haven't found too much [non-programmer]
documentation on how to hack the new org-exporter).

First, it should allow for contents after \closing{·}, e.g. \ps{·} and
\encl{·}.  Second, it should allow for arbitrary LaTeX command
\end{letter}, e.g. \includepdf{·}.

Thus, I basically want to extend org-koma-letter-template to include to
extra content-like elements.

   (defun org-koma-letter-template (contents info)
   (format "\n\\closing{%s}\n\n" (plist-get info :closing))
   ;; appendix in letter
   ;; Letter ends.
   ;; Document ends.

I am not sure how to implement this.  I want it to operate on tags.  So
I want
* my-encl                                                    :appendix:
        - doc 1
        - doc 2

to /not/ be part of contents, but be recognized as appendix inserted
after the signature.  Likewise headlines with tag :afterletter: should
only be inserted after \end{letter}.

Could anyone provide any hints as to how to archive this behavior.  (I
can't really understand all the details by just reading the API...).

BTW: scrlttr2 supports sections with certain lco-files, see  So perhaps the
org-koma-letter-headline should contain this possibility.


. . . Stallman was indeed the tallest possible mountain and by
standing on his shoulders you could see forever. . .

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