> > cross-reference will pick that up correctly.
> >
> > If #+RESULT is not to work, it is better to change
> > org-babel-results-keyword to NAME, and then what you are suggesting
> > happens automatically. But in the earlier thread on the topic, Nicolas
> > said that was not the right way.
> We are misunderstanding each other.
> #+results are never used for cross-references. This is a Babel internal
> keyword used to refer to the source that generated this element.
> Cross-references only react to #+name keyword.

Sorry, this is confusing. Is it then the case that we are naming the
source block to ensure that captions stick to the corresponding
results block? And then, we need to separately name the results block,
and use a different name for it, so that the cross-references pick it
up correctly?


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