Vikas Rawal <> writes:

>> > cross-reference will pick that up correctly.
>> >
>> > If #+RESULT is not to work, it is better to change
>> > org-babel-results-keyword to NAME, and then what you are suggesting
>> > happens automatically. But in the earlier thread on the topic, Nicolas
>> > said that was not the right way.
>> We are misunderstanding each other.
>> #+results are never used for cross-references. This is a Babel internal
>> keyword used to refer to the source that generated this element.
>> Cross-references only react to #+name keyword.
> Sorry, this is confusing. Is it then the case that we are naming the
> source block to ensure that captions stick to the corresponding
> results block?

Source block captions apply to the source block, not to the results. You
have to define a separate caption for the results.

Source block name will be used both as a label for cross referencing and
as a Babel internal code for results correspondence.

> And then, we need to separately name the results block, and use
> a different name for it, so that the cross-references pick it up
> correctly?

Yes, the name given to the results block doesn't depend on the results
keyword. You can give it any name, as long as it is unique.

Here is an example:

  #+caption: Src block caption
  #+name: my-src
  #+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (+ 1 2)

  #+name: anything
  #+caption: Element caption
  #+results: my-src
  : 3

As far as affiliated keywords go, the only one you needn't provide is



Nicolas Goaziou

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