On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 8:35 AM, Rafael <rvf0...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Michael Alan Dorman <mdor...@ironicdesign.com> writes:
>> I've just tagged version 0.90 of my org-blog minor mode on github[1].
>> This is intended to be a simple but powerful assistant to using Org for
>> writing blog posts---there's only two commands at this point, and I
>> don't anticipate that number going beyond three anytime soon (though I
>> do have that third one planned! ;)
>> At the moment it only supports WordPress blogs, but the design is very
>> modular, and adding support for other back-ends (including, I hope,
>> static publishing back-ends) should be relatively painless.  If it's
>> not, I would be happy to change things to make it so, once I understand
>> the issues.
> Thanks a lot for your work! I just tried it and it worked for me, to
> post a basic org-mode file. Are you aware of
> https://github.com/punchagan/org2blog? It also has the purpose to post
> to wordpress from org, however its author has been busy lately, and
> apparently major work is going to be needed to make all its features to
> work with the new exporter.

Or, if it seems reasonable, we could club the two projects into a
single one to give the users something that's better than a sum of the

Puneeth (aka punchagan)

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