Nicolas Goaziou <> writes:

> For the problem at hand, you can use \label{eq:2} directly in the
> document.

Less pretty and I can't click on it.  [For me a custom link type is fine,
but every line of customization makes it harder to reproduce down the

Anyway, I found out that mathjax upstream now support labeling to
equations using the latex format.  Try:

     In equation \eqref{eq:sample}, we find the value of an
     interesting integral:

       \int_0^\infty \frac{x^3}{e^x-1}\,dx = \frac{\pi^4}{15}

     #+OPTIONS: html-scripts:nil
     #+HTML_HEAD: <script type="text/javascript"
     #+HTML_HEAD: </script>
     #+HTML_HEAD: <script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
     #+HTML_HEAD: MathJax.Hub.Config({
     #+HTML_HEAD:   TeX: { equationNumbers: { autoNumber: "AMS" } }
     #+HTML_HEAD: });
     #+HTML_HEAD: </script>

>> * Issue 2 (ox-latex specific)
>> Since we now have amsmath in the org-default-package-alist I would like to
>> \eqref{·} to refer to equations.  The main difference is that it takes
>> care of the parenthesis automatically.  I.e. \ref{eq:2} → 2 and
>> \eqref(eq:2) → (2).  Also, mathtools works with \eqref, but not \ref.
>> However, in old document it could lead to ((2)).
>> I have a simple patch that hard-coded equation to \eqref, but I don't know
>> if a more general approach should be taken.  Or if it a filter issue.
> I'm not sure \eqref is desirable as a default value, (but I don't oppose
> it if you think it is). OTOH, a filter is easy enough to implement.

I definitely think it is the more proper way to refer to an equation.  But
it really depends on the document.  E.g. mathtools also offer a set of
commands for referring to equations.  I was considering an alist of


But it might be an overkill, especially seeing that mathjax only supports
\ref and \eqref out of the box.


Summon the Mothership!

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