At 10:18 -0400 04/13/2009, Barry Warsaw wrote:
>On Apr 10, 2009, at 3:04 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
>> "Idempotency"?  I'm not sure what that means in the context of the
>> email package ... multiplication by zero?<wink>  Do you mean that
>> .parse().to_wire() should be idempotent?  Yes, I think that's a good
>> idea, and it shouldn't be too hard to implement by (optionally?)
>> caching the whole original message or individual components (headers
>> with all whitespace including folding cached verbatim, etc).  I think
>> caching has to be done, since stuff like "did the original fold with a
>> leading tab or a leading space, and at what column" and so on seems
>> kind of pointless to encode as attributes on Header objects.
>I tend to agree.  I'm also happy of there's a way to tell say the
>parser that an application doesn't care about that.  All that extra
>caching will have a memory overhead that you should only pay for if
>you care.

I'd expect the caching to have very low overhead.  Message bodies will not
be cached (an extra time), only some headers (when the Header isn't
idempotent already) and the preamble and epiloge around message bodies.
TonyN.:'                       <>
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