On Feb 3 2013 11:58 PM, Viesturs Lācis wrote:
> 2013/2/4 sam sokolik <sa...@empirescreen.com>:
>> Oh - and this is kinda interesting...
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTLs89YPtck
>> Follow and translate the link in the description..  (interesting 
>> hack..)
> If anyone needs translation from Russian:
> The way this works is a g-code filter, which generates a "reverse"
> g-code for a particular g-code line and inserts it _before_ this
> particular g-code line with a "/" symbol in front of it.
> It seems like a change in Axis GUI script to redefine "zoom-in" and
> "zoom-out" buttons, so that it starts taking into account all the
> lines with "/" symbol in front of it, when asked to reverse.
> A little comment from me:
> It is obvious that this approach can easily reverse _current_ line
> being executed. But it is not clear to me, how to back up more than
> one line - it might be necessary if the code consists of really tiny
> G1 moves.

I think multi-line is doable with stack and maybe adding an internal 
interrupt (in that code only) which incerts another command just like it 
did whenver it reaches the end of a reversed move.  Then when it moves 
forward it puts the next command on the stack in place until it is once 
again empty, then it continues normal execution.

I do not have time to really crawl into his code, and have the 
following question that I could see as being a problem:  Can a long move 
be interrupted and reversed?  If so, how does it handle the 

   EBo --

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