This is what I was expecting also...  (big changes needs a lot of 
testing before release)  (and this was started during the 2.6 work...)


On 04/01/2014 03:45 PM, Sebastian Kuzminsky wrote:
> On 4/1/14 14:27 , Marius Liebenberg wrote:
>> What was the verdict then, is this work going to be incorporated
>> somewhere in the near future or will we have to wait until Robert has
>> done more to it?
> I'm not sure exactly what state it's in currently.  After i make the 2.6
> branch I hope to speak with Sam Sokolik and Robert Ellenberg and see
> where things stand.  I'm hoping to merge it into master for the
> following (2.7) release cycle (which will hopefully be much shorter than
> 2.6 was/is).

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