> Hi all,
> I'm J-P working for the REDS institute (Reconfigurable  & Embedded Digital 
> Systems) from the HEIG-VD (School of Management and Engineering Vaud), 
> Switzerland.
> I started a project with LinuxCNC. As initial ramp-up with the src code, I 
> try to integrate the support for Beckhoff EL2252 digital outputs (EtherCAT 
> module, using LCEC HAL module).
> After some experiments, I found that RTAPI (rtapi_get_time) or RTAI 
> (rt_get_time() timer related functions are not working on my setup: they 
> return a constant value. I checked if the RT Timer was started (using RTAPI 
> and RTAI functions), all seems OK.
> Most probably, the configuration of the used HW timer is not correct.
> Didi you already have this kind of issue ? Did you have any hints on how to 
> fix it ?

I tried to use rt a while ago but have not yet get rtnet up and running. I have 
however tried soem Ethercat master and soes Ethercat slave and they work. I run 
soem Ethercat master within linuxcnc. I should solder and try another board 
before I continue with the hardware for the Ethercat board.

I discovered then using ordinary rt kernel that scheduling is good enough but 
then logging times of messages sent with Wireshark there sometimes is a delay 
of up to 5-10 milli seconds.

You got rtai and rtnet up and running?

> Many thanks for your help
No help right now, only new questions.

Regards Nicklas Karlsson

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