On Sonntag, 19. April 2020, 09:06:26 CEST Chris Morley wrote:
> Motion does the trajectory planning which can't be preplanned by
> interpreter/task because of things like overides and spindle sync

Well, in my mind, task-manager should do all motion planning respect to tool 
tip. Tool tip moves in 3D-coordinate space and other axis may help on tool-
shaft orientation without changing tooltip location.

So task-manager cares about theoretically (let me name it so) motion, whereas 
motion takes out physical motion.
Taskmanager knows anything about fixtures, tool-length, radius- and length 
properties ...
... but taskmanager does not know anything about physical machine (kinematics 
and the like), which means, it tells motion to move tooltip from location A to 
location B, but only motion knows how to do that (kinematics and all that 
things go into here).

Trajectory planning should not be based on overwrite values. Planning could be 
done with programmed feed rate. Only motion should care about overwrite values 
and changes projected speed from taskmanager.
I believe, that overwrite values don't change the quality of trajectory 
planning. That should work based on angular changes (or similar geometric 
based properties) from one motion to the other.

In my daily work, overwrite values are used to lower or stop programmed 
motion. If overwrite button is used, NO user cares about path optimization. 
It's irrelevant in that moment. The only important question is, that the 
machine stops as fast as the button hits zero. And the importance of that 
requirement is proportional to the moving speed :)

But even if only motion cares about overwrite values, UI should be able to 
reflect changes of overwrite values with acceptable delay. UI is not that 
timecritical than motion, so delay of 0.5s might be quite ok.
But UI is supposed to show any machine properties at time.
You can try to program feed or spindle speed without any motion. On 
professional machines, the UI shows the result of the programmed change.
You can program spindle speed even if the spindle is not turning.
Motion and programming is separated completely.


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