I read in !emc-pstc that Rao, Praveen <praveen....@fujitsu.com.au> wrote
(in <e2eb942b4dd0db4c9ec86c89e592c958084...@mel0691.au.fjanz.com>) about
'Comparing EMI test results', on Mon, 7 Jan 2002:
>I'm trying to setup a programme to compare test results (for
>Radiated Emissions) between test labs. The plan is to circulate a
>"Artifact" around the labs and compare the results. The test sites being
>compared are Semi-anechoic Chambers v/s OATS. The source used is a
>wideband "RF comb generator". I would like to understand the concept
>fully before I initiate this programme. Is there any information readily
>available on this topic? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. 
>       Praveen

Such tests are called 'round-robin tests', from an early form of
subversive/samizdat communication - a letter bearing the signatures of
several dissenters arranged in a circle so it was not possible to
determine the order in which the signatures were added.

A web search is likely to produce a lot of information. The main point
that I remember about the protocol is that no results shall be disclosed
by the testers until the circulation is complete, when all results are
sent to the co-ordinators for consolidation.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk 
After swimming across the Hellespont, I felt like a Hero. 

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