I read in !emc-pstc that cherryclo...@aol.com wrote (in <131.6a66623.296
70...@aol.com>) about 'EMC-related safety issues', on Fri, 4 Jan 2002:
>As I recall, the EU's Product Liability Directive (85/374/EEC amended by 
>99/34/EC) requires manufacturers to produce products that are: "as safe as 
>people generally have the right to expect".

I believe it does.
>Note that it does not require things to be 100% safe - that is impossible.

>The real problem is that whether a product really is  "as safe as people 
>generally have the right to expect" is usually tested in a court of law where 
>there are lots of photographs of a dead or maimed person or a burnt-down 
>building, or whatever. 
>It is difficult to argue that your product is safe enough when there are 
>relatives sobbing all over the courtroom. 

>The trick, I believe, is not to be in that position in the first place. 
>Design your products using the latest safety knowledge and test them well to 
>discover if they have any weaknesses you did not address. 

How do you decide what tests to do **for weaknesses you don't suspect**?
Isn't that fundamentally impossible?

>And yes, you must consider foreseeable misuse and stupid users too. (The 
>trouble with trying to make something foolproof is that fools are so 

Exactly! Is replacing the mains fuse in a product with a bit of fencing
wire 'foreseeable misuse'? I have put this question to an IEC safety
committee; it's not just a debating point!
>Then hopefully you won't ever find yourself trying to defend your design 
>decisions in a court of law. 

Hopefully! Will your CEO accept that 'hopefully' your design won't put
him in jail for corporate manslaughter? But can you ever give a better
assurance than 'hopefully', at the necessary 1 in a billion probability
level? I think not.

>Also, your company's exposure to significant financial and commercial risks 
>will be reduced - this is the key to justifying the expense of good safety 
>design to your employers.

But it seems that the expense of 'good safety design', as determined by
some safety experts, is going through the roof. 
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk 
After swimming across the Hellespont, I felt like a Hero. 

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