Personally, I could list a ton of stuff that would instill 
fear and loathing amongst the fainest of EMC hearts. 

Sitting in a jet airliner at the end of the runway readying 
for take-off and watching the cabin lights dim slightly in 
sync with the sweep of the main radar dish just a couple 
of hundred yards away. 

ESD events in the kitchen area of the airliner causing 
the phone in the cockpit at the other end of the plane 
to ring making the pilot pickup to answer. 

ESD events in the control tower of an airport causing 
the computer and other essential equipment to crash. 

Enough spurious radiation events to require laptops and 
cell phones to be turned off upon takeoff or landing.  
Why?  Am I and hundreds of others trusting out lives on 
something so ... sensitve?  But we think nothing of dialing 
up the cell phone inside a car packed with digital controls 
for things like the brakes, the accelerator, gas control ...  
The automobile industry does its best to test for the 
severest of electrical events with lightning simulations. 
But what about internal to the car less than a meter away? 

And by the way, do they allow cell phones and laptops 
in that airport control tower?  Do they have conductive 
floors and require people to wear ESD proof shoes? 

Define safety related issues?  Does it necessarily have to 
do with physical safety?  How about the spurious radiations 
from an ATM being decoded by someone nearby to gain 
access to your bank account to drain it? 

Sorry.  Must be the "Day After New Year's Day" effect ... 

- Doug McKean 

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