
What you say is absolutely true (see attached message)

>From Halliday and Resnick's "Fundamentals of Physics", a "decibel" is
referenced to 1 picoWatt/square meter.  Since I had used this book for three
semesters of physics; I always assumed it was the "Bible".  

Alas, it is just another definition to add to the two that you have below.

Maybe the acoustic guys should take a note from the EMC guys and always put
the subscript after the dB.  For instance, there is no doubt what a dBuV/m or
dBmW refers to.  (As long as you can tell that "uV/m" means "micro-Volt per

To be clear, I would have to say that was thinking in terms of dBpw/m^^2    :-)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: drcuthbert [SMTP:drcuthb...@micron.com]
> Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 10:51 AM
> To:   'Hudson, Alan'; EMC-pstc (E-mail)
> Subject:      RE: Acoustic noise calculations for multiple shelves
> Alan,
> here is a definition of dBa:
> dBa: Abbreviation for decibels adjusted. Weighted absolute noise power,
> calculated in dB referenced to 3.16 picowatts (-85 dBm), which is 0 dBa.
> (188) Note: The use of F1A-line or HA1-receiver weighting must be indicated
> in parentheses as required. A one-milliwatt, 1000-Hz tone will read +85 dBa,
> but the same power as white noise, randomly distributed over a 3-kHz band
> (nominally 300 to 3300 Hz), will read +82 dBa, due to the frequency
> weighting. Synonym dBrn adjusted. From this link:
> http://www.its.bldrdoc.gov/fs-1037/dir-010/_1471.htm
> Now here is a definition of SPL:
> Sound Pressure Level:
> The sound pressure level at a point is measured in decibels (dB) and is
> equal to 20 times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of R.M.S. sound
> pressure to the reference sound pressure. The reference sound pressure in
> air is taken to be 2 * 10-5 Pa. From this link:
> http://www.camets.com.au/info/glossary/spl.htm
> Is this where some of the confusion is coming from? Some are thinking of
> sound pressure and others are thinking in terms of sound power. 
>    Dave Cuthbert
>    Micron Technology

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