HI Bob,
keep begging mate.... It was never made available. When the product was
transferred to Germany for Manufacture, all knowedge was lost. I dont know
where you get your info, but I get mine from the designer..... now long since
Any drivers that were published.... I wonder as to their usefullness, and what
program they were intended to be used with. Non of Schaffners software has
ever controlled the NSG in the public domain. Like I said, the RS232 bus was
for set up and calibration... BTW, I looked at the site and didnt find
drivers... only a reference that they may exist....
As for controlling the various bits... you would be better served getting
individual components, or using the system as intended. Or, better yet,
gettingt he newer system that does have more user control and is fully
compliant to current ( and future ) specs.
Best regards,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Bob Richards <mailto:b...@toprudder.com>  
To: ieee <mailto:emc-p...@ieee.org>  
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 6:06 AM
Subject: Re: Schaffner NSG 2070

I beg to differ. The User's Manual that I have, chapter 8 Remote Control,
states: "The command set is normally not necessary but is, however, available
upon request for special applications".
This page has drivers available for the internal power meter and signal
generator. Obviously, Schaffner felt there was a need to control the device
Why would anyone want to bypass the internal firmware?? We have a lot of EMC
equipment with internal firmware that can run a test, like EFT and surge
generators, but we still use software to control the device since it gives us
better control and documentation.
Bob R.

Derek Walton <lfresea...@aol.com> wrote:

HI Bob,

the RS232 port is not intended to be used for control, it is soley for set 
up and calibration by the factory of authorized calibration lab. There is no 
published documentation for use of this port. It's considered proprietary. 
As the US cal lab for this item, I have access to some, but not all of the 
commands of the interface, but, I've signed a document saying I won't 
release them.

As you stated, the NSG 2070 is a stand alone piece of equipment with all 
control software ( firmware) built in. I'm curious why you would want to 
change that?

I hope this helps you,


Derek Walton
L F Research

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