In message <64D32EE8B9CBDD44963ACB076A5F6ABB026954D2@Mailbox-Tech.lecotech.local>, dated Wed, 14 May 2014, "Kunde, Brian" <> writes:

In fact, some of our “specialty hardware” has such a long supply chain in most cases we cannot even find out who made the part.


As an example, for some parts, we might go over to our local Ace hardware store and buy a handful of parts which will last us two years worth of production.

No doubt those two scenarios apply to different parts. For parts you can get from the hardware store, you can probably get them from Mouser or so, with RoHS. For other parts, there may be no alternative to switch to a local jobbing supplier who can certify RoHS.

So here is the problem; with such long supply chains we are having a very difficult time getting RoHS supporting documentation for such hardware. So any advice or options would be most appreciated. What are other companies out there doing in such cases?

There is a lot of advice to SMEs about this available in Europe, but I don't know about elsewhere.


Being an EMC/Safety guy I really do not have much knowledge in all the procurement stuff, however, would it be a practical option to periodically pull a small sample of all such parts and have them tested for RoHS?

Option of last resort, probably, unless the part can be analysed by one of the clever new rapid methods, which may not be prohibitively costly.
OOO - Own Opinions Only. With best wishes. See
Nondum ex silvis sumus
John Woodgate, J M Woodgate and Associates, Rayleigh, Essex UK

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