Dangerous ground indeed, and not a technical subject.

Infinitely more important than whether a device meets an EMI requirement, or
how to make it do so, but nevertheless this is not the forum for it.

However, I didn't bring the subject up.  The gentlemen who opined that if he
had nothing to hide, he didn't care who had the ability to snoop brought up
the subject.

And that opinion bears refutation. Not because he is wrong in and of his own
business, because if he doesn't care who's in his business, no one else
should, either.  But the point is that opinions like that don't exist in
solitary - enough people think like that, and those who don't become the
collateral damage in the collapse of civilization.

That may sound apocalyptic to those who equate civilization with technology,
but the equation is false. Civilization is the degree of freedom man has
from other men.  Mr. Woodgate's famous ex-Prime Minister Winston Churchill
noted that

"Civilization will not last, freedom will not survive, peace will not be
kept, unless a very large majority of mankind unite together to defend them
and show themselves possessed of a constabulary power before which barbaric
and atavistic forces will stand in awe."

Mr. Churchill at the time was speaking of a foreign menace, but the rule
applies equally to enemies both foreign and domestic.

Any authority not tightly bound by strict rules understandable to the lay
population will accumulate as much power as it can, and it is an exponential
growth, difficult to discern at first, but as power accumulates in an
organization, it attracts those who wish to wield that power and accumulate
more, whereas when the organization had minimal power and no opportunity to
acquire more, such people were not attracted. The principal is the same as
keeping a clean food preparation surface: done right, bacterial growth is
held to minimum, but ignore proper hygienic rules and the growth of bacteria
is literally exponential.

That is the explanation behind another one of Mr. Woodgates's distinguished
forbears, Lord Acton: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts

Notice that the foreign enemy in Mr. Churchill's time was legally elected
chancellor. It was only later that he unconstitutionally seized power and
became simply The Leader.  Had that constitution been stronger and properly
enforced, that wouldn't have happened and in fact it is likely that the
eventual Leader wouldn't have even run for office if he had known he would
have to be satisfied with the paltry powers of a constitutionally-bound
chief executive.

Ken Javor
Phone: (256) 650-5261

> From: John Woodgate <j...@jmwa.demon.co.uk>
> Reply-To: John Woodgate <j...@jmwa.demon.co.uk>
> Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2014 20:12:55 +0100
> Subject: Re: [PSES] RF shielding in clothing.
> In message <d02f7164.5f1ab%ken.ja...@emccompliance.com>, dated Fri, 5
> Sep 2014, Ken Javor <ken.ja...@emccompliance.com> writes:
>> But if the question includes what difference it makes if the police can
>> track you, well that isn¹t a big deal at all. Just the difference
>> between being a subject or being a citizen. People who don¹t know or
>> care about the difference invariably become subjects, even if they
>> start out as citizens.
> Dangerous ground, here, but isn't there an initial assumption that the
> police are inherently malicious? I mean, there are far too many US
> citizens for any police force to track everyone, so wouldn't they track
> people only for a good reason, unless they were malicious?
> Of course, as a Brit, I am both a British Citizen AND a subject of HM
> the Queen, so the only thing I am not, by definition, is a slave.
> -- 
> OOO - Own Opinions Only. With best wishes. See www.jmwa.demon.co.uk
> Quid faciamus nisi sit?
> John Woodgate, J M Woodgate and Associates, Rayleigh, Essex UK
> -
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