

Are these papers online somewhere?  I looked at the ESDA site but I could
not find an archive of papers.  Maybe I am looking in the wrong place.






From: doug [] 
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2019 10:39 PM
Subject: Re: [PSES] Any Different Results in ESD Testing when Changing
Brands of ESD Simulator (IEC 61000-4-2)


This was pretty much done in the 90s with many round robin tests. The
culprit is the lack of di/dt control and lack of control on EM radiation
from the simulator. The two factors dominate everything else. No need to
duplicate previous work. Just read the papers on the results from the
significant amount of research that was done, of which I was a part. 



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IPhone: 408-858-4528

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From: Ken Javor <
<> >
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2019 8:17:52 PM
Subject: Re: [PSES] Any Different Results in ESD Testing when Changing
Brands of ESD Simulator (IEC 61000-4-2) 


No insight into what Doug mentioned, but before tightening up on equipment
performance requirements, with attendant cost impact to test facilities, I
would want to know that the variability between test facilities due to
practice are not the dominating factor.  I would want to improve test
procedure controls to where everyone does the test close enough to the same
that if there is still unacceptable variability, then, and only then, do we
look at the test equipment.

In order to assess that, you would round-robin using the same model of gun.

Perhaps that is one of the many things to which Doug referred.

Ken Javor
Phone: (256) 650-5261


From: "doug" < <> >
Reply-To: "doug" < <> >
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2019 19:41:42 +0000
Conversation: [PSES] Any Different Results in ESD Testing when Changing
Brands of ESD Simulator (IEC 61000-4-2)
Subject: Re: [PSES] Any Different Results in ESD Testing when Changing
Brands of ESD Simulator (IEC 61000-4-2)

Hi Montara,

There are more stories than I can type here. The standard as written is not
very good. We addressed this in the early to mid-1990s and determined what
was necessary. We also did a lot of round robin testing. Probably most of
what you want has been published in the 1990s. Look at the ESD Association
papers from the era. Look for authors like myself (we were all involved with
revising 61000-4-2), Jon Barth, Ken Hall, Hugh Hyatt.

Everything you need was done back then and rejected by the EU members for
various reasons that I do not consider valid.

Sent from my iPhone
IPhone: 408-858-4528
Office: 702-570-6108
Email: <> 


From: Monrad Monsen <
<> >
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2019 9:43:54 AM
Subject: [PSES] Any Different Results in ESD Testing when Changing Brands of
ESD Simulator (IEC 61000-4-2) 
Does anyone have any stories that can be shared of a product getting a
different ESD test result when changing the brand/model of ESD simulator?
I am a member of the US Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for CISPR/I
international standards committee (Electromagnetic compatibility of
information technology equipment, multimedia equipment and receivers). There
is a proposal that SC77B begin work on changes to IEC 61000-4-2 (ESD) to
improve the ESD waveform verification (some call this "calibration") because
under today's rules different simulators create different levels of high
frequency signal content which some believe is the primary reason for
different test results.  Some believe that the IEC 61000-4-2 waveform
requirement fails to include any evaluation of the slope (dV/dt or dI/dt) of
the impulse, and that uncontrolled parameter directly affects spectral
content.  I would like to know if anyone has experienced any actual ESD test
result consistency when using different Brand/model ESD simulators even
though they are all calibrated simulators under today's rules.
I admit that our company uses the same brand & model ESD simulator as local
labs, so I have never observed this issue myself.  My initial preference is
to not add cost to testing and avoid forcing labs to buy new ESD simulators,
but perhaps this cost is warranted if there are actual wide variations in
ESD test results depending on the brand of ESD simulator.

Monrad Monsen | Hardware Compliance Strategist
Phone: +1.303.272.9612
Oracle Market Access & Hardware Compliance Strategy
500 Eldorado Blvd | Broomfield, CO 80021 


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