Hi Brian,

The EAC marking scheme is the conformity assessment procedure for the Eurasian 
Economic Union (http://www.eaeunion.org/?lang=en), but not for Ukraine. The 
Member-States of the Eurasian Economic Union are the Republic of Armenia, the 
Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the 
Russian Federation, but not Ukraine. Ukraine has its own conformity assessment 
procedure with regulations that are aligned with those of the European Union 
for CE marking, but Ukraine requires a Declaration of Conformity according to 
its own scheme that depending on the type of product involves a local 
certification body, a local representative, marking of the product with the 
Ukraine TR conformity mark 
 and labels and instructions in Ukrainian language. As many of the national 
standards are adopted from international IEC or EN standards, existing CB 
reports may be used as evidence of conformity in the required technical 

Kind regards,


Von: MIKE SHERMAN <msherma...@comcast.net>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 22. September 2020 20:17
Betreff: Re: [PSES] Selling into the Ukraine

We've been EAC marking for a while, but I was not aware that the Ukraine was 
part of the EAC marking scheme.

For EAC marking:
-There are a few additional pieces of information required in the manual 
related to expected life, including when stored.
-We are careful about what technical information we share.
-We submit a Russian manual, plus Russian translations of the parts of our CE 
technical file that we share.

Contact me separately if you have questions about EAC marking.

Mike Sherman
Graco Inc.
On 09/22/2020 12:40 PM Steve Brody 
<sgbr...@comcast.net<mailto:sgbr...@comcast.net>> wrote:


One of my client's was going to sell into the Ukraine and was told they needed 
an EAC mark on the product and that the CE was not valid in the EAC.  They did 
not proceed beyond that so I can not give you any further guidance.

You can check EAC 3rd parties on line, I think.  I had this discussion with UL 
as to why Ukraine, and the EAC, would not accept the CB Scheme report, which is 
why the client went that route, but the answer was that it still needed to go 
through an EAC 3rd party before they would issue a mark.  And that included a 
physical product review and factory inspection.  The unanswered question then 
was what does the CB report buy me - no response.

Client opted not  to sell into the EAC.
On 09/22/2020 12:53 PM Brian Kunde 
<bkundew...@gmail.com<mailto:bkundew...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Greetings All.

All of a sudden we are having trouble with Ukraine.  Before we even ship our 
product to the customer, we are being contacted by unknown companies who claim 
to be responsible to overlook the installation and perform "complex protocols" 
on our product.  They are asking for EMC and Safety test reports among other 
R&D type of test data.  Is this for real?

Doing a Google search on this topic, it appears as though Ukraine should accept 
our CE Marking and Declaration from Europe. However, they are telling us that 
their laws changed and they no longer accept the CE marking.

What is going on?  Is there a simple way to satisfy whatever the new 
requirements are?

I appreciate any help you can provide.

Best Regards,

The Other Brian


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Steve Brody
C - 603 617 9116

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