Gene Heskett wrote:

> I didn't time it John, but that sounds about right.  I was up to my buns in a 
> different pool of alligators, the inner filament contact for a final tube in 
> a tv transmitter & had left it running itself while I went looking for some 
> silver braze rod.  The only thing I have is some pretty old nickle-silver rod 
> whose flux has worn off from laying around.  I have it mostly fixed, but need 
> to locate some chemistry for silver plating the repair.  Suggestions anyone?

Depends on the shape of the part, but if its something simple that you
can rub vigorously with a damp cloth you might try Cool Amp.  It's a
powder that is usually used for field plating of high current busbars.

I've used it with some success.  Takes a bit of elbow grease, so it
won't be suitable for complex or fragile shapes.  Really intended just
for busbars and such.  But it is hard to beat for simple and easy.
Clean the copper, rub the powder on with a damp cloth, rinse with water,

John Kasunich

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