On 23 April 2010 04:00, Jon Elson <el...@pico-systems.com> wrote:
> Andy Pugh wrote:

>> ... with closed-loop spindle control you will automatically get the
>> spindle speed you ask for in the G-code regardless of which pulley and
>> back-gear combination you have selected,

> I understand the concept, but I'm not sure I like it.  Oh, one other
> thing is engaging the back gear REVERSES the spindle on a Bridgeport!
> So, unless the logic would read the spindle direction, figure out the
> backgear is engaged and reverse the VFD, it won't work anyway.

Interesting question, and one that potentially links in to an issue
that I have with my spindle speed control (and haven't mentioned as I
think it is due to a fault with my HAL setup rather than the
underlying concept)

Firstly, it works very well, in general. It doesn't "hunt" for speed,
it "just works" as far as M3 S1200 giving 1200 rpm at the spindle
regardless of the selected gear. Otherwise I have to decide on  the
gear when writing the G-code and fudge the spindle speed demand.

All apart from one quirk:

My VFD doesn't go below 5Hz, and the output of the PID hal function
runs from positive to negative full-scale and that is wired to the
pwmgen function.
My VFD direction selector is wired to the spindle-forwards /
spindle-reverse pins, not to the direction pin of the pwmgen.
This means that if I select a speed lower than the VFD minimum then
the PID ramps the PWM down into the negative area, which increases the
pwm duty cycle and toggles the direction bit. But toggling the bit has
no effect, in fact the increased pwm duty cycle increases spindle
speed, so the PID takes the pwm further negative, and so on. The
effect is that if I demand a speed below the minimum that the VFD can
do, I get max speed instead.

I can think of a number of solutions, I just haven't implemented any
of them yet. making some use of the pwm direction output seems
critical, I probably need to XOR the spindle-forward / spindle-reverse
outputs with the pwmgen direction signal.

That does mean that closed-loop can, indeed, compensate for a reversed
spindle though, in fact it is that capability which indirectly causes
my problem.

As for speed signal noise, my speed signal is fairly random, (it is a
home-made encoder ring with slot-sensors) but using the right PID
values seems to filter that effect adequately.
Incidentally, because the spindle pwm duty is a constant demand rather
than a delta demand, the PID controller is being used in "I-only" mode
with P = 0. It perhaps ought to be used in PI mode and added to the
spindle speed demand, but the way I have it seems to work.

All of which is rather a digression from the original subject, which
was encoder installation on a Bridgeport. That looks like a neat
installation, invisible and out of the way of swarf is good.
I have just thought of another way of doing the same thing that might
work, you could potentially make a "gasket with mounting tabs" with
the sensors on the (folded down) tabs and the remainder clamped
between the castings over the full mating surface. I guess that would
depend on how critical the casting separation is, ie whether there is
a bearing in the top cover or something else that "cares". Perhaps
with a strip of flat-flexy-PCB to get the signals out through the gap.

I can almost see it being offered as a product by one of our more
commercial members, though possibly not a profitable one.


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