Kim Kirwan wrote:
> I am running Thunderbird 3.1.7 with some plug-ins (Lightning, Enigmail,
> and four minor ones) and have not had any of the kind of problems you
> are describing.  But I did check into the address book format (I have
> five address books left to move) and I learned about the "mork"
> database (arguably the worst feature of Thunderbird, they've been
> arguing about the best replacement for it for years now, with no
> visible progress,
No individual file is over 120 MB.  Yes, Mork seems to be the culprit, 
but TB rev 2.x
doesn't even HAVE the indexing feature - (or maybe, I don't THINK it has 
it because there
is no way to turn it off).  Anyway, TB 3.1.1 had the same problem, only 
it took 8 times
longer to recover when it hung (67 minutes instead of 80, even when the 
indexing was turned off.
So, I don't think it was indexing.  For a long time, I have thought it 
was related to newsgroups, as
I subscribe to rec.crafts.metalworking, and opening that group always 
takes a number of minutes,
and leaves a HUGE file of 600,000 message headers on my system.

Anyway, after creating a new profile, it seems to be working fine.  Just 
a lot of work to move
everything over.  I am back to using TB, I prefer the whole 
screen layout to TB 3, but
likely there is a way to set TB 3 to look about the same, I just don't 
know how.

I have been using Netscape, then Mozilla, then Thunderbird on Linux 
systems since, maybe
2002 or so.  But, it seems that TB users are having the same problem on 



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