On 9 March 2011 13:55, Tony Zampini <zampi...@cox.net> wrote:

> I'm attempting to set up EMC2 to generate a PWM
> signal for spindle speed control. I put a DVM on the
> PWM parallel port pin in hopes to see an average
> voltage of the PWM signal. But all I see is about 90mV,
> and it never changes.
> I tried MDI commands like:
> M03 S100
> and
> M03 S2000
> I'm fairly new to EMC2. Can someone tell me
> what is required to activate the PWM output?

Did you set up a spindle speed control in Stepgen, or are you doing by
hand-editing the HAL file?

You won't necessarily see the PWM signal with a multimeter, though I
would expect to see something. Halscope (Machine -> Halscope) set to
look at the p-port pin should tell you if EMC2 thinks it is outputting
to the pin.

If you want to pastebin (www.pastebin.com) your HAL file (in your
home/emc2/configs/<machine name> directory)   we can have a look at it
to see what is missing.

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