On Monday, January 23, 2012 01:48:18 AM Rafael Skodlar did opine:

> Hi Gene,
> On 01/22/2012 03:18 PM, gene heskett wrote:
> > Greets everybody;
> > 
> > I am going slowly berzakers here with this bs of having different
> > gid's on these two machines.
> Didn't we discuss this some time back?

Yes, but it did not result in a working solution.

> > I am at that stage where I have files ready to rename and load into
> > emc (linuxcnc) to see what they look like in axis.
> > 
> > But I'll be damned if I can get scp to move the files.  Something has
> > been done to cifs so I cannot mount the shares defined from here,
> > regardless of which of the 10,000 monkeys output I try, its 'no
> > permission".
> > 
> > This is the line in my rc.local that has been mounting that box as a
> mistake number one. No need to force that "manually". statement in
> /etc/fstab would be better. However, see automounter section bellow.
> > read/write share at /mnt/shop, and which now fails, and was failing
> > even before I built the new box for the shop/mill:
> > 
> > mount -t cifs -o
> mistake number two. Why the heck are you torturing Linux with protocols
> mainly used for windows?

Because historically, NFS has never worked, and its docs suck.
> > user=gene,passwd=gh10041934,uid=1000,forceuid,gid=1000,forcegid,noserv
> > erino //shop.coyote.den/shop-slash /mnt/shop
> mistake number 3. Don't use /mnt as that's traditionally used for quick
> mounts like CDs, or USB thingies.

I could put it in /media, or in / for that matter, its a share that should 
be there, no questions asked as long as both machines are booted up.  And 
that is the case 24/7/365 for these 2 boxes.
> > response:
> > mount error(13): Permission denied
> > Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)
> > 
> > And of course in my man pages, error 13 is never mentioned.
> Agree. Man pages are historically very poorly documented. First was lack
> of disk space, now it's a "tradition" not to show any examples of how to
> use some "freaking exotic command".
> > But it worked for years before.  From testparm's output on the shop
> > box: [shop-slash]
> > 
> >          comment = The root directory of coyote's FC6 install
> >          path = /
> >          read only = No
> that seem to be all "windows stuff". Handle it Unix style and you'll be
> better off (or it should on?).

As you can see from the FC6 in the comment line, its worked for a long time 
but died about a year back.

> > So I have resorted to copying the files to a publicly invisible web
> > page directory so that I can maybe fire up firefox out on that box
> > and save the files to it that way, but dammit there ought to be a
> > better way.
> Why not simply scp files to "other box"? That will change ownership. You
> could use rsync -av -e ssh local_file userx@remotehost:~/some_subdir  

Yes, I have made that work, 5 or 6 times in the last month.  But again, 
that man page's lack of a known good working example make you play the 
10,000 monkeys writing the Barber of Seville scene.  This time I hunt thru 
the shell history and find one that I know worked 2 weeks ago, adjust the 
path to the new files I want to move, enter my user password and get 
another 100 permission denials or no such file msgs for all the variations.

> If you copy ssh public key to the other side you won't need to enter
> password each time.

Keys have been done.
> Better yet, setup NFS, see bellow.
> > There is security, and there is Pain in the Ass obnoxiousness, this is
> > the latter.
> > 
> > I'd be much appreciative of an idiot-proof (and I'm apparently the
> > idiot)
> Don't do that too often as we might assume something :-) Your emails are
> amusing and educational also.
> > method of send this stuff around on my home, private as I can make it,
> > network.
> > 
> > Thanks all.
> > 
> > Cheers, Gene
> The following needs to be done as root or use sudo:
> * assume one side is the NFS server:
> - install package autofs
> - edit /etc/exports with something like
> /home/gene    (rw,sync,no_subtree_check)
> - restart autofs
> service nfs-kernel-server restart
> test with
> showmount -e    <- to get
> Export list for <servername>:
> /home/gene *
> * on the workstation side:
> - install package autofs
> - edit /etc/auto.master to enable auto.net function
> /net    -hosts   <- line that likely needs to be uncommented
> that will let you see (automount) servers' export under
> /net/<servername>
> where <servername> is your "other PC". ls /net shows nothing while 'ls
> /net/<servername>  should show exported files in your home directory.
> Now let's test this setup:
> touch /net/<servername>/xxx
> ls -l /net/<servername>/xxx
> 2 minutes, no public exposure, assuming both sides have the same
> distribution, (k)ubuntu in my case, and same UID,GID.

That's the rub, this box is pclos, first uid,gid is 500.

> If not I suggest
> you do that with changing it on one machine to match the other:
> - edit /etc/passwd
> - pwconv
> - edit /etc/group
> chown -R <user>.<group> /home/<user>
> Note that automounter will disconnect after a timeout, 15min I believe,
> unless you have files open or you 'cd' into that space. That's normal.
> It will be visible next time you access the files.

I will, after some sleep, try the above, one more time.  Thank you for your 
patience with someone whose own patience is worn so thin its invisible.

> Other option is to use sshfs which will mount directories in user space
> over ssh, see man pages.
> I do make house calls on occasion :-)

Probably so, but the mileage to WV would bankrupt me.  ;-)
> Man it's noisy outside. Chinese/Vietnamese New Year. Firecrackers are
> chasing bad spirits away, I think.

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
My web page: <http://coyoteden.dyndns-free.com:85/gene>
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