On Mon, 9 Apr 2012, BRIAN GLACKIN wrote:

> Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2012 19:38:47 -0400
> From: BRIAN GLACKIN <glackin.br...@gmail.com>
> Reply-To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)"
>     <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)" <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Parallel Ports, EPP, and Mesa 7I43
> Peter,
> Can you detail the difference in the example and the controller's
> capabilities?  Are these two sentences the same thing?
> <snip>
>> > the comments in the HAL setup for a 7I43 indicate:
>>> <quote "configs/hm2-stepper/7i43-small.ini">
>>> # Step timing is 40 us steplen + 40 us stepspace
>>> # That gives 80 us step period = 12.5 KHz step freq
>>> #
>>> # Bah, even software stepping can handle that, hm2 doesnt buy you much
>>> with
>>> # such slow steppers.
>>> #
>>> </quote>
> <snip>
> Your response...
>>  Because the example file is a real example file for a specific step
>> drive that
>> just happens to have those timings
>> The actual hardware limitation on steprate is ClockLow/4 (for a 7I43 this
>> is
>> 50 MHz/4 = 12.5 MHz)
> What is the difference?  I am confused.  Is it that his step period is so
> long that the performance is poor?
> Brian

He's looking at the hm2-stepper.hal (and 7i43.ini) example files. This is an 
_example_ file that happens to have been created and tested with a quite slow 
step drive.

Actually any realistic .ini file for the HM2 stepgens will not approach their 
limits, and thats not really the purpose of an example file. An example file 
that works with any old step drive is probably a better starting point for 
tuning that one that only supports high performance drives.

Peter Wallace
Mesa Electronics

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